
Online nomination (partners only):

1st semester and whole year : 1 March – 30 April
2nd semester : 1 October – 31 October

via the form: protected by a password.
If you do not have it, please ask for it at

Application (for previously named students):

1st semester and full year : 1 April – 31 May,
2nd semester : 15 October – 15 November.

All applications, received after deadlines (31 May and 15 November) will be rejected as well as partially completed applications.

The link to the portal is sent by email to the nominated students.


Course open to exchange students

Courses have to be chosen by the Erasmus student before his/her arrival in Poitiers. If not, it has to be quickly after the begining of courses.

This choice must be accepted by the coordinator of the home university.

Faculty of Literature and Languages delivers courses in :

English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Russian, Arabic, Polish, Serbo-Croatian, French Sign Language.

Catalogue des cours 2024-2025 (updated : 02/07/2024) – this list is indicative, not definitive and may be modified at any time

English-Taught Modules 2024-2025 (updated : 04/01/2023) (This list is included in the general list above.)

European community course Credit Transfert System (ECTS)

This system was put in place by the European Community Commission in order to help students make the most of their study abroad experience. It measures and compares academic results and transfers them from one institute to another. The Faculty of Literature and Languages has applied this system to all the universities with which it has signed agreements (whether they are European or not). The ECTS credits are values assigned to each course : 3 ETCS for an undergraduate course and graduate language course, 6 ECTS for a graduate seminar. The ECTS grading scale has been put in place by the institutions participating in the pilot program in order to facilitate the interpretation of grades obtained by the students. The ECTS grading scale in no way replaces the grading system already in place locally ; the ECTS grades represent complementary information on the grades given to the student by the institution in which he or she is studying.

Grading Scale

ECTS Grade French Grade Definition
A >16 A « excellent »
B 15-16 B « very good »
C 13-14 C « good »
D 11-12 D « satisfactory »
E 10 E « sufficient »
FX 8-9 FX « failed »
F <8 F « fail »

Academic calendar

Usual academic dates are:

  • 1st semester : from beginning of September to mid-December
    Examination period : one week in December / 1st week of January (to be confirmed)
  • 2nd semester : from beginning of January to mid-May
    Examination period : mid-May (around two weeks),
  • Resit : June

For detailed calendar of the current year, please refer to the link below:

Annual university calendar

French language courses

Incoming students can follow French courses at the “Center of French as a Foreign Language” (CFLE) of University of Poitiers. Erasmus+ students with a level in French A2 to B2 uncertified will take a course funded by the Erasmus+ program, in limited number. These courses takes place within the Faculty of Literature and languages on the main campus.

Further information on the French center website :

Contact :

Tutoriels d'aide pour les outils de l'université de Poitiers

Lien vers les tutoriels d’aide pour les outils :


An online Accommodation Request Form is accessible on the University of Poitiers’s International Relations Office website, on the following webpage: trouver un logement. The person in charge of greeting international students will send you a housing proposition in a university residence hall or a list of private accommodation offers to consult, if you prefer private accommodation.

For all information regarding housing, please contact:

E-mail :

Health insurance

  • Students from the European Union: the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) exempts European students from French student health insurance schemes and covers most medical or pharmaceutical costs incurred in France.
  • Non-European Students are under the legal obligation to enroll at the social security scheme or the basic health insurance scheme.

Erasmus Student Network (ESN) and Buddy system

Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is a non-profit international student organization. Its mission is to represent international students, thus provide opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of Students Helping Students .

The Buddy System is a programme trough which incoming exchange students are matched with students of the University of Poitiers.

The main purpose of this programme is to assist exchange students with practical information on living and studying in Poitiers and to facilitate their integration in the French academic life and the student community :

Arrival in Poitiers

1Settling into your accomodation

2. Go to the Central Relations Office in order to receive useful information. Students are advised to do their best to arrive early in the week during the day from Monday to Friday between 9 to 12 am and 2 to 5 pm.
Address :
Hôtel Chaboureau
49, Place Charles de Gaulle
Bât. E11
TSA 51133
86073 Poitiers cedex 9
Tel : +33 5 49 45 30 87

3. Go to the Faculty International Office
  in order to register as a student. A student card will be delivered and the Learning Agreement will be confirmed or potentially altered due to adjustments.
Address :

Faculty of Literature and LanguagesCampus – Secteur A3 – 1 rue Raymond Cantel – Poitiers

Office C015

Bus N°1 – Stop « Cité U»

Lat,Long : 46.57007,0.3820437

Students are advised to do their best to arrive according to the appointment schedule.

To enroll at the Faculty, students have to provide the following documents :

  • Copy of ID card or passport
  • Copy of European card of health insurance (CEAM)



  • Responsable académique/pédagogique du service : Licia Bagini

Tél. : +33 (0) 5 49 45 32 36

  • Responsable administratif : M. Josselin Madec

Tél. : +33 (0) 5 49 45 32 39

  • Assistant : M. Olivier Hérault

Tél. : +33 (0) 5 49 45 49 09

  • La vie étudiante continue sur les réseaux sociaux !